Monday, December 21, 2009

I'll Sonata Your Ghost.

This morning I got to the train station at 9:15 and there was a large crowd of people already standing there. Apparently, they had been waiting to get into Philly since 8 AM. They had been on a train that got stopped for half and hour, then backed up and dropped them back at our stop. The tracks were out of power.

Everyone was very confused about what was happening and when we were going to get into Philly. After waiting half an hour, we finally got on a train. Two stops later, the train lost power, and we all had to get out and wait again.

At this point, the people who had been waiting to get on a train since 8 AM were on their own, personal train to crazytown. One woman was on the phone yelling to somebody, "I can't take this. I'm just going to go home!" and dramatically ran down the stairs of the platform. I'm not exactly sure where she was heading since we were at a different stop.

I was about an hour late for work. Needless to say, I read the entire play for today while waiting, so it wasn't a complete loss.

Which brings we to my next point: Stridberg was probably on his own personal train to crazytown when he wrote Ghost Sonata. A death screen? Really? "Bring in the death screen!" I challenge you to say those words aloud and not laugh.

There were some good parts of the play. I appreciated his attention to the visual elements of the play. He really fleshed out how he wanted it to look so you were better able to see it as you read it. There are terrifying images right from the beginning with the dark lady standing at the staircase, motionless.

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