Monday, December 21, 2009

Strindberg and Christmas

It's Monday morning.

Philadelphia just had an epic snow storm of epicness, around 2 feet. My whole body is sore from shoveling out the driveway.

The snow has cleared enough for me to make it into work. Which is good, because I need some extra money for Christmas, but bad, because I'd like to continue my pattern of sitting on the couch all day reading plays and watching TV.

Although, this blog is kind of like Christmas everyday. Lena and I are on opposite coasts. By the time she posts as night I'm already asleep, so I wake up in the morning to see what she wrote. And when I post in the morning, she has to wait until she gest up to see what I wrote!

In that spirit, here's a little Stridberg gift for you, kiddo:

Now I'm off to work!

1 comment:

  1. I really like that sentiment. It's a wonderful way of thinking about it.

    Also, Strindberg and Helium are the best!
